Return to the Wastes

-+ Welcome One and All! +-



Paying Customers Only

An Open Letter To Our Lovely Audience

As many of you already know, our beautiful Circus has been decimated by a fire. We ask that you do not pester the witnesses for details, as many are still recovering from injuries or emotional distress. Rest assured, the Circus will be up and running soon, better than ever. If you wish to contribute to the rebuilding efforts, whether through manpower or financial donations, please contact our staff. Your contributions are lifesaving for our performers in these uncertain times. We would also like to remind our idle performers that we currently have plenty of job opportunities open at the moment.

From everyone at the Circus to you, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for enjoying our show. We hope to perform again as soon as possible!

Signed, Vinicius Deorwine, Ringmaster in Chief