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h3y wh4t th3 h3ll. 1 th0ught nob0dy 3lse c0u1d g3t d0wn her3. hey u're k1nd of l0ud cou1d you shut up.

wh4ts that lo0k 4. d1d i say smth w3ird

l1sten 1m trying 2 w0rk on som3 stuff rn c0uld u l3ave me al0ne?

what k1nd of stuff? compl1cat3d ig. thes3 l<3vely mach1nes requ1re a L0T of upke3p. im alr1ght w1th 1t th0 bc i actually r3ally really r3eally <3 c0mput3rs and t3chnol0gy but nobody wants 2 h3ar me rambl3 4 an0ther c0uple of h0urs

y3ah but anyw4ys i g0t th1ngs t0 do, 0ne of my cl1ents ne3ds a ch3ckup. n0t like a gr0ss checkup lik3 w1th flesh and bl00d 4nd gut5. i just g3t to say h1 2 th3 l<3vely d4rling 1n h3r st0mach. sh3s b3en in ther3 4 a wh1le n0w i h0pe ther3 isnt a problem bc if th3re w4s th3n s0me surg3on w0uld hav3 2 cut h3r 0pen 4nd p0tent1ally m3ss up my w0rk 4nd that w0uld mak3 me ups3t, i w0rk3d s0 h4rd on g3tt1ng th4t 0ne r1ght

sh3 was actually my f1rst vamp1ric cli3nt (h3re's a l1nk 2 a m3dic4l j0urn4l 1n c4se y0u hav3nt m3t 1 bef0re) i w0uld say that sh3s the only 1 iv3 ev3r h4d but i had an0ther vampy cl1ent 4 l1ke a m0nth and a h4lf. xe w4s 4nn0y1ng as h3ll im so gl4d xey g0t t1red of m3 and f0und an0th3r d0ct0r

y3ah ofc im a doctor wh4t gav3 u the 1mpr3ss1on th4t i w4snt? 0kay y3ah i d0nt r3ally g3t inv0lved in the cli3nts H3ALTH or B0DY b3yond h0w my darl1ngs int3er4ct w1th it. im m0re of a m3chan1c. h3y th4ts a n1ce w0rd, m3chan1c.

id t3ll pe0opl3 i w4s a m3chan1c but most people seem 2 pr3fer a D0CT0R to a M3CHAN1C. idk why th0 m4ch1nes ar3 so much m0re l<3vely than pe0pl3.

1 of my cl1ents tri3d to expla1n it 2 me onc3 he sa1d th4t theyd rath3er b3 tre4t3d l1ke pe0ple inst3ad of mach1n3s but i d0nt underst4nd that.

h3 als0 t0ld me th4t app4rently hes my fr1end. i th1nk h3s lying ther3s n0 w4y weve inter4cted en0ugh 2 b cons1der3d fri3nds. h3 says th4ts n0t how m4k1ng fri3nds w0rks but th3n he d1dnt tell m3 h0w it w0rks so. idk

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. . . h4ve u ev3r h34rd of lem0n d3m0n? n0? 0k4y th3n